Spears, clad in her trademark fishnets and a black-and-red leotard, handcuffed Pauly D to a stripper pole and teased him with a pink feather boa.
The lucky guy tweeted: “Wow Just Got A Lap Dance On Stage From @britneySpears !!!!!!” She responded "@DJPaulyD Hope you enjoyed your dance! Was tough getting my legs around that big blowout -Britney."
Britney’s new lover boy, paparazzi turned gold digger (or vice versa) Adnan Ghalib was hired as Brit’s personal assistant. Yep, Adnan drives and carries Britney’s bag and does everything she wants. So we can say he is Britney’s B*tch!!?!
In addition, Mr Ghalib has been cleaning the singer's house, running general errands and acting as her chief defender and representative in interviews. Work it out B*tch!!
If she is paying that guy, she might as well take full advantage of
Come on, even Britney could do better…
What really surprises me is Britney is not that innocent, she has to be aware of him being totally fake and just wanting to get money out of her. How desperate do you have to be for someone’s attention to get to this point?!?!
“Britney is showering Adnan with gifts because she's desperate to hang on to him,” a source says. “She sees him as the one constant in her life right now. She's totally blind to his money making schemes.”
Britney Spears and Nicki Minaj
Photo: Getty Images
Britney Spears is certainly at a level of fame and success that if she wanted to pull diva antics she easily could. According to the artists accompanying Brit on her Femme Fatale Tour, however, that's not really her thing.
Britney Spears
Photo: MTV News & Docs
Britney Spears flirted with fans on "Hold It Against Me," threw a party with "Till the World Ends" and got a bit cheeky on "I Wanna Go." Now the singer is wondering what her fourth Femme Fatale single should be. She even recently posted a poll on her Facebook page pondering whether her next single should be "Criminal," "Inside Out" or "(Drop Dead) Beautiful."
But Pauly D wasn’t the first man Spears romanced on the stage. Earlier this month, the singer stunned in a sexy leotard and treated beau Jason Trawick to a pole dance at Nassau Coliseum in New York. Midway through that performance,she giggled and told the audience: “He’s never coming back!”
Pauly D (real name: Paul DelVecchio) is spinning for Spears for six dates of her Femme Fatale concert tour this month. “Britney is one of my favorite performers and certainly one of this generation’s most influential artists,” he told Us Weekly. “[The Femme Fatale Tour] is an amazing platform to connect with my fans around the country.”
The reality star’s tour with Spears will be part of a 12-episode spin-off series for MTV that
"Britney hates when things are taken from her," a family member of Kevin Federline tells OK!. "The court's taken Preston and Jayden away, so she'll just have another kid to take their place. That's the way she thinks."

Britney Spears is on cloud nine!
The world's famous pop star - who has two sons, Sean Preston, 5, and Jayden James, 4, with second husband Kevin Federline - got secretly engaged to long-term boyfriend Jason Trawick.

Together Nicki and Britney make a dynamic duo for fans of both genres, and have been able to ignite a friendship of mutual admiration.
“I think she’s great,” Spears told MTV News of Minaj. “She’s a great artist in every way and I’m really happy for her.”
Britney admires Minaj for eccentric stylishness and of course her distinct Rap ability.

“I think she has a distinct sound when she raps,” Spears said. “It really stands out and sets her apart from everyone else. I’m happy she’s able to be on tour with me because that’s just amazing.”
"Pop Phenomenon" doesn't come close to describing Britney Spears. The name is legend around the world. So famous is Britney Spears now that it's impossible to imagine a World in which she doesn't exist.
Born in the small town of Kentwood, Louisiana, to parents Jamie Spears and Lynne Spears, Britney is their second child of three. Her older brother, Bryan Spears, was born in April 1977 and her younger sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, was born in April 1991. From a young age, Britney was always fixing to be a star with idols such as Madonna, Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston, the young Britney could always be heard singing, no matter what else was going on around her. After taking extensive dance and vocal lessons and performing in numerous talent shows and fairs, Britney auditioned for "The All New Mickey Mouse Club" (1989) TV series [1989-1994] when she 8, however, she was too young to get the part. Instead, Britney, her mother and baby sister moved to New York where she starred in several TV adverts and an off-Broadway play, "Ruthless", where she was understudy with Natalie Portman. Her love of music and dance took over and, 2 years later, she auditioned for a part on "Mickey Mouse" again and, this time, won the part along with Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake. As a Mouseketeer, Britney received extensive training in dance, drama and singing and had to grow up a lot during that time. However, after the show was canceled two years later, Britney returned home and did "the normal teenager thing", attending pool parties and she was also the Homecoming Queen. As a young teenager, Britney soon grew restless again and this time was desperate to become a star yet again. Again, she traveled to New York and sent out demo tapes to various labels including Sony and Mercury, but was turned down. It was Jive Records that finally took the young Britney on and set out on making her the star she is today.
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Britney Spears
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